Posts in Home Equity
3 Ways You’ll Win When You Buy a Home This Year

There are so many great reasons to purchase a home, and over the past year, we’ve realized more of them than we ever thought possible. If you’re a first-time homebuyer, having a home of your own can give you a greater sense of security and accomplishment in a time that’s largely uncertain. If you’re a repeat buyer looking for your dream home, making a move might give you the space or features you need to find greater success and happiness in a new normal way of life. Whatever your motivations are, here are three reasons why becoming a homeowner now may help you win big in the long run.

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3 Reasons We’re Definitely Not in a Housing Bubble

Phoenix area housing is at an all time low, with the over 350 people moving to the Valley PER DAY creating mass demand. As a result, prices are rising at an amazing some areas 17-20% over the previous year. This is causing many people to believe we are in a bubble, reminiscent of what we experienced in 2005-6, and headed towards another Real Estate bust. That is not the case. Read on to find out why not,k and contact me to see how you can take advantage of this market and why now is the time to buy or sell.

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